Y rhai a blan(n)wyd yn nhŷ Dduw

(Blodeuo yn nhy Dduw)
Y rhai a blannwyd yn nhŷ Dduw,
  Yn goedwydd byw y tyfant;
Ac yn nghynteddau ein Duw ni
  Y rhei'ny a flodeuant.

Dy babell di, mor hyfryd yw,
  Arglwydd byw y lluoedd:
Mynych chwennychais weled hon,
  Gan mor dra thirion ydoedd.

Gwynfyd y rhai drig yn dy dŷ,
  Cânt dy foliannu ddigon;
Cânt ynot ti ymgadarnhau,
  A'th lwybrau yn eu calon.

Ant rhagddynt bawb
    o nerth i nerth,
  Nes cael yn brydferth ddyfod
Fry i ymddangos ger ei fron,
  Yn Sion ei breswylfod.
Cas. o dros Ddwy Fil o Hymnau (S Roberts) 1841
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(Cynnydd y Saint)
Y rhai a blannwyd yn nhŷ Dduw,
  Yn goedwydd byw y tyfant;
Ac y'nghynteddau ein Duw ni,
  Y rhei'ny a flodeuant.

Y rhai o dan dy gysgod, ION,
  Yn gyson a arhosant,
Dan lewyrchiadau d'wyneb pryd,
 Y rhai'n fel ŷd adfywiant.

Lledant eu gwraidd
    mewn daear fras,
  Wrth afon gras y bywyd;
Eu ceinciau gerdd,
    eu tegwch fydd,
  Fel olewydd yn hyfryd.
William Edwards, Bala.
Casgliad Morris Davies 1835; Llawlyfr Moliant 1890.
neu William Evans, Bala.
Llawlyfr Moliant 1930
- - - - -
(Gwyn eu byd Preswylwyr dy Dŷ)
Y Rhai a blanwyd yn nhŷ Dduw
  Yn goedwydd byw y tyfant:
Ac yn nghynteddau ein Duw ni,
  Y rheiny a flodeuant.

O fewn dy babell y bydd byth,
  Fy nhrigfan ddilyth ddedwydd;
A'm holl ymddiried a fyn fod,
  Yn nghysgod dy adenydd.

Un arch a erchais ar Dduw Naf,
  A hyny archaf eto;
Cael dyfod i dŷ'r Arglwydd glân,
  A bod a'm trigfan ynddo.

Yr Arglwydd â'i ddeheulaw gref,
  Hwn a wnaeth nef a daear;
A roddo ei fendith ef a'i ras
  I Sïon ddinas hawddgar.
Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623
Aberth Moliant 1875

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Dominus Regit Me (J B Dykes 1823-76)
Glanceri (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)
Mawl (David Evans 1874-1948)
Oldenburg (J H Schein 1586-1630)
St Jude (<1875)
St Seiriol (<1875)

Ant rhagddynt bawb o nerth i nerth
Blodeua'r cyfiawn tua'r nen
Moliannu'r Arglwydd da iawn yw
Y rhai o dan dy gysgod Iôn

(Flourishing in God's house)
They who are planted in God's house
  As a living tree they shall grow;
And in the courts of our God
  Those ones shall flourish.

Thy tent, so delightful it is,
  Living Lord of the hosts:
Frequently I insisted on seeing this,
  Since so pleasant it was.

Blessed are those who live in thy house,
  They get sufficiently to praise thee;
They get in thee to strengthen themselves,
  With thy paths in their heart.

They shall all go on
    from strength to strength,
  Until getting beautifully to come
Up to appear before him,
  In Zion his residence.
- - - - -
(The Growth of the Saints)
Those who are planted in God's house,
  In a living wood shall grow;
And in the courts of our God,
  They shall flourish.

Those under thy shadow, Lord,
  Constantly shall abide,
Under the radiances of thy countenance,
  They like grain shall regenerate.

They shall spread their
    roots in rich earth,
  By the river of the grace of life;
Their strains of verse,
    their fairness shall be,
  Like an olive tree delightful.
- - - - -
(Blessed the Dwellers in thy House)
Those who were planted in God's house
  As living green trees shall grow:
And in the courts of our God,
  Those shall flourish.

Within thy tent shall be forever,
  My happy, unfailing residence;
And all my trust is about to be,
  In the shadow of thy wings.

One request I have made of God the Chief,
  And this I will request still;
To get to come to the holy Lord's house,
  And my dwelling to be in it.

The Lord with his strong right hand,
  He who made heaven and earth;
Shall give his blessing and his grace
  To the beautiful city of Zion.
tr. 2016,18 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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